Energy beyond silver cans
PepsiCo is a secondary player in what has become known as the ‘energy’ drink category. Redbull and Monster have built enormous followings and have largely insulated themselves from competition. To Pepsi’s credit, they believe energy will evolve beyond the quick fix. My team took on the challenge to develop a global hypothesis and prototype solutions.
Acknowledging that within a connection economy, the role of brands will shift from projecting ‘aspirational’ lifestyles to creating platforms that empower real change in people’s lives. Society’s definition of success is itself in question. The at-all-costs pursuit of material wealth and status is giving way to a new appreciation (and science) of well-being.
We concluded that fatigue is not the opposite of energy. ‘Tired’ is not the enemy. Stress is. People are already overstimulated. What they lack are holistic systems and support to be more mindful of where they derive their energy. It became clear that gaining vitality was more important than chasing energy. Vitality is the spirit, ability, determination to thrive. It empowers us to meet our potential. The cultivation of vitality became the focus of the project.
3 opportunity spaces that linked day parts with corresponding needs were identified, and big disruptive product platforms were aligned with each were established. We then created a number of low-resolution prototypes.
This future-based initiative is on track to take Pepsico far beyond beverages and consumption for that matter, cementing their relevance for the next, next generation.
Two promising ideas that have since been abandoned included:
An online platform linked to brands, products, experts, and communities designed to help encourage and motivate our target in the pursuit of vitality.
An elegantly designed appliance that delivers immersive and multi-sensorial experiences to transform one's state of mind just before sleep or upon waking.